The Early Years
There was no Filipino evangelical church in Houston before the 1980”s, although in the early 1960”s, Rice Temple Baptist Church (RTBC)

located at the Medical Center was and is still home church to a number of Filipinos, mostly nurses and their families. They were like a “church” in a church. Three couples felt spiritual hunger and started meeting for Bible study and prayers. The fellowship was sweet, the number grew and the call to share their faith was deeply felt – especially with the many unchurched “kababayans” concentrated in Southwest Houston. In right time RTBC honored the group”s intent to become the church”s mission arm to reach Filipinos. Commissioning service was held on March 24, 1987. More than 30 members or 50 percent of the RTBC International Sunday School group took a bold step to be counted. From other surrounding churches more Filipino believers joined forces. There were 47 of them altogether on the momentous day. Braeburn Valley Baptist Church (BVBC), located off Fondren and South Braeswood, opened their doors to the mission. Rev. Tomas Calisterio pastored/nurtured this yet-to-be-born body of Christ.
Building Through Partnership

Growing Stronger

FPBC went through some growing pains and has grown stronger not only in membership but also in its mission goals, as seen in broad ministry in worship, study, prayer, and outreach. On December 13, 1994, Associate/Youth Pastor, Rev. Ernest Howard Dagohoy joined in the ministry, wonderfully turning the church”s young people into godly and strong church members. His beautiful and multi-talented wife, Cecile, joined him after a few months – a tireless helpmate and mother to their first born, Faith Alexine, born August 27, 1997. After almost 8 years of building up the church, Pastor Denmark Suison resigned to become a church planter in the San Francisco area. Our faithful God saw to it that the church had somebody who was equal to the task – Pastor Ernest Dagohoy.
To God Be The Glory
The enemy has often tried to destroy this body of believers. After all these years, the members altogether say “what a Godly heritage the Lord has bequeathed to us”. The very existence of the FIRST PHILIPPINE BAPTIST CHURCH is indeed a testimony of God”s undying love, His faithfulness, and wonderful provision.